to sing in the silence: November 2008


I am so stoked.

I am now the proud owner of the shoes shown above.

I just ordered my first pair of Toms Shoes. WOOT!

Last Christmas, my friend Emily (who might I say, is one of the coolest girls I know) sent me a gift certificate for Toms Shoes. I wasn't really familiar with the organizations, but after I read about the organization - that for every pair of shoe purchased, a pair is donated to someone else - I was so unbelievably excited for this gift my friend had given me.

I debated for quite a few weeks, which pair I wanted... I had NO idea which pair to buy. I ended up taking so long, that I eventually forgot about it... Recently, Toms Shoes has come up quite a bit in conversation, and I remembered that I still had a gift certificate. I wondered if it was still good, and indeed, it was.

So, I bought the shoes you see above, displaying one of my absolute favorite quotes.

"You must be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi

I'm pretty stoked about the shoes, and think I might even buy another pair (maybe brown, so that I will can wear Toms Shoes to work every day).

Well, that's it for today kiddies... Just thought I'd share my excitement over my new shoes, and the value behind my new shoes. Much thanks to Emily and her creativity in getting me the certificate!

If you're interested in learning more about this organization, please check out:

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"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." ~Vladimir Nabakov


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"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." ~Vladimir Nabakov