to sing in the silence: lost


Can I be geeky for an entry? Do I have permission to do that?

For the past six years, I have dedicated myself to a story… Six years is a lot of time, I realize. But in some respects, it feels like six years of goodness.

Six years ago, I started watching the TV show LOST. Yes, I know. Total geekdom. Not only have I dedicated six years of my life to following this TV show, but I’m now also dedicating a blog entry to it. Pretty sad, hey? But bear with me…

I’m a lover of stories. I mean, absolute, hard-core lover of stories. My favorite class in high school was English. Why? Stories. I was an English/Film major in college. Why? Stories. Even now, I love to hear other people’s stories. I can sit for hours just listening to people in my community tell me stories about their lives.

And LOST provided one fantastic story.

I’ve never found myself more connected to a show before. Sure I’ve had a few favorites over the years. I think I’ve probably seen every episode of The Wonder Years more than once. Such a great show. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Freaks and Geeks. And I even had a short-lived love for the ticking clock of 24. However, I’ve never really enjoyed a story as much as I’ve enjoyed the story of LOST.

I was talking with a fellow LOST fan tonight, as tonight is the series finale. We were talking about why the show is so great, and why so many other fans have dedicated so much of their time to following this story. This fellow LOST fan and I recognized the fact that some like it for the mystery, some for the sci-fi/fantasy-like nature, some for the romance, and some for the spiritual/philosophical aspects… and some for all of the above.

For me, I think the reason I’ve been so wrapped up in it is because these people – these characters we’ve come to know over the past six years – are all a part of something bigger than themselves. While they are all individuals and contribute their own unique piece to the puzzle, the puzzle is so much bigger than each of them individually. They must decide whether or not to trust each other. The must decide whether or not to work together or against each other. They must learn about each other, grow together, and see the good, the bad and the ugly together. And that is what has drawn me in – their community of people and the lives they’ve built with each other.

I think that we each deeply desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. From the time we’re little, we’re searching for some sort of bigger purpose. We learn about the cause and effect of our behavior. We realize our love and need for community. Good and evil are battling within us. We want to fight against our selfish desires for the good of our neighbor. And we want to do everything in our power to point people to what is good, noble, and true.

And that is what LOST is all about. Again, I realize I sound pretty geeky – putting so much weight on a silly television show. But I truly believe that is why LOST has so many fans, so many people who have dedicated six years of their lives to following their story. I believe that a lot of us that watch the show see a bit of ourselves in it – people who are searching, wanting to be a part of something bigger than themselves. People who are trying to learn about the cause and effect of their behavior. People who recognize their need for community. People who struggle with the battle of good and evil going on within. People who are fighting against their selfish desires… and people who are wanting to point people to what is good, noble and true.

I realize that there are people who are NOT fans of LOST who resonate with the above statements. But I often wonder if that is why there ARE so many fans of LOST – because we see a little bit of ourselves in the show and in the characters we’ve come to know.

I’m sad to see LOST end… There was something special about being a part of a community that shared a deep love for the storytelling found in LOST. I’ll miss the philosophical and spiritual conversations that took place around this show. I’ll miss the theorizing and the conspiracies. I’ll miss the endings that made me yell “WHAT THE HECK?!” at my television set.

But it was a good six years – and it was a show that made me fall more and more in love with the art of storytelling. I love storytelling, and I look forward to more great storytelling in my life – both those on TV and those in my real life community.